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Donna Adams

Ed Agnew

Megann Agnew

Carrie Alaniz

Ryan Aldridge

Kathy Alexander

Shane Alexander

Ali Allen

Andy Allen

Rachel Allen

Candice Allison

John Chris Allison

Katherine Alvarez

Douglas Anderson
Jamie Arriaza

Ryan Asprion

Chad Athans
Claudia Avila

Victor Avila

Jamie Baker

Trish Ballew

Peg Bavolek

Tom Bavolek
Gene Bazemore

Lynn Bazemore

Eric Beal

Kim Bedwell

Ruth Belleville

Jamie Berger

Frank Bernardo

Csongor Bibza

Holly Birnbach

Anthony Bishop

Jeff Blanchard

Jennifer Blanchard

Brent Bland

Kerri Bland

Todd Bockenfeld

Ellie Bomar

Barbara Boss
Virginia Bouley

Erin Bradford

Joyce Brasher

Mindy Bray

Brandon Brock

Ron Brown

Ethan Bruner

Alan Bryan

Amanda Bryan

Michael Bryan

Sandi Bryan

Paul Budvitis

Kim Bullock

Tyler Bullock

Carl Bunch

Matt Bunke

Kimberly Burke

Aimee Burnett

Christopher Burton

Anh Chi Busboom

Kurt Busboom

Adam Butcher

Amber Butcher

Shelia Butler

Tiffany Campbell

Representative Giovanni Capriglione

Stephanie Carson

Lindsey Castner
Donna Clarin

Alex Clerc

Tiffany Clerc

Lori Coates

Lisa Cook

Jill Combe

Ruth Conrey

Jennifer Conroy

Daniel Cook

Jackie Cook

Jordan Cook

Tim Cook

Louis Corna

Gina Crosby

Brad Curtis

Arlene Dang

Tom Dang

Brian Davis

Byron Davis

Don Davis

Kimberly Davis

Tim Davis

Angie Dawkins

Josh Dean

Jeffrey Deichert

Carolina Del Calvo

Jenerra Del Calvo

Kathy Del Calvo

Leo Del Calvo

Jay Demas

Matt Demas

Dusty Dennis

Heather Dennis

Allyson Dickinson

Jennifer Donlon

Tierney Dorma

Leigh Ann Downing

Jennifer Dyer

Scott Eddins

Tara Eddins

Ginny Elder

Monica Eldred

Shelly Elieson

Joseph Ellis

Tom Evans

Joe Farley

James Favero

Taylor Foreman

Gregg Formella
Shalene Fote

Linda Frederick

Amy Fuhrmann

Ken Fuhrmann
Steve Fultz

Kristin Garcia

Brian Garner

Travis Garren

Kathryn Gerrity

Chris Glaser

Gina Glaser

Brenda Glass

Kyle Goeke

Michelle Gray

Keith Gray

Christina Greene

David Grenier

Kristen Grenier

Trina Gwynn

Brandon Hall

Carol Han

Dulce Hardin

Gary Hargett

Sherry Hargett
Lisa Harrington

Sandy Harslem

David He

Liping He

Holly Hicks

Tami Highley

Matt Hince

Virginia Hinkle

Mayor Laura Hill

Austin Hilton

Michelle Hilton

Angie Hodges

Brian Hodges

Nancy Hollis

Beverly Hottois

Robert Hottois

Gary Humphrey

Clay Hunt

Elizabeth Huss
Mitsoo Iravani

James Jackson

Leigh Jackson

Craig Jacobson

Sarah James

Scott James

Kaye Jameson

Elizabeth Johansson

Christine Johnsen

Doug Johnson

Laci Johnson

Lana Johnson

Robert Johnson

Dudley Jordan

Yannis Karmis

David Keener
Kathy Keener

Brandon Kelley

Jim Kelley
Tricia Kelley

Kristine Kemp

Blake Kendrick

Adam Kieda

Abigail Kim

Heather King

Kristen King

Daniel Kittrell

Echo Klatt

Paula Knabe

Lorrie Terlingo-Knipper

Jennifer Kolb

Dana Krasinski

Joe Krasinski

Danielle Krishna
Linda Krishna

Paul A. Krishna

Paul P. Krishna

Lavonda Landrum

Dr. Jerry Latham
Nic Lesmeister

Abe Lieck

Douglas Lies

Anne Lindamood

Dana Loesch

Courtney Loyd

John Loyd

Ron Luber

Kim Lucas

Shawn Mackey

Bala Mageswaran

Debbie Marsh

The Hon. Shawn McCaskill

Melissa McCure

Ashley McCurry

Brandon McCurry

Tommy McFall

Kelly McGuire

Mark Mednansky

Michelle Mednansky

Ashley Messick

Susan Michaelis

Chris Milani

Kristie Millican

Shannan Mills

Ali Mirza

Candice Moody

Heath Moody

Michele Moore

Tom Moore

Keith Morrow

Ellen Mossberg

Matthew Muns

Jessica Nester

Lenora Nielsen

Heath Niemi

Mark Norcini

Don Norwood

Lori Norwood

Donna Nystrom

Tim Nystrom

Scott O'Donnell

Christen O'Hare

Tim O'Hare

Lindsey Oldelehr

Marcus Oldelehr

Jenny Page

Jessica Patterson

The Hon. Chad Patton

Gloria Paul

Brooke Pazera

Chuck Pazera

Bonnie Pendergrass

Chris Pendergrass

Melissa Pensom

Mike Perez

Allison Perez

Becky Petkus

Heather Peyrovi
Chris Pharr
Doug Phillips

Shari Phillips

David Potenza

Jolyn Potenza

Andrea Ragsdale

Tim Ragsdale

Eric Ray

Chris Rector

Katie Rector

Brett Reed

Mercedes Reed

Sharon Reitzell

Rudy Renda

David Renken

Leanna Reynolds

Theresa Rhoades

John Roach
Jennifer Roberts

Beth Roberson

Tandy Roberson

Patty Rogers

Bryanna Roop

Tommy Roop

The Hon. Craig Rothmeier

Patrick Ryan

Christy Cox- Sabo

Arline Sala

Juan Saldivar
Lisa Sammons

Robert Sammons

Kolt Sarver

Allison Sarver

Kolt Sarver

Jonathan Schaller

Dennis Scheidt

Eric Schleif

Jana Schleif

Alan Secord

Stephen Selinger

Scott Sheehan

Cody Sherrod
Vanessa Shifflette

Dan Shouse

Andrea Simon

Anita Sims

Randy Sims

Kathy Smallwood

Hayley Smetana
Jiri Smetana
Alex Smith

Gary Smith

Hannah Smith

Henry Smith

John Smith

Karen Smith

Paul Smith
Renee Smith

Rob Smith

The Hon. Ronell Smith

Tiffany Smith

Audra Snead

Graylene Spain

Paul Spain

Anna  Speier

Jon Speier

Doug Spitler

Christy Stacy

Mitch Stacy

Sean Stapleton

Chris Steele

Rob Stewart
Stephanie Stewart

Lauren Stone
Glenn Story

Jenny Story

Renee Sweeney

Christina Taggart

Chuck Taggart

The Hon. Kathy Talley

Mary Tamargo

Beverly Tate

Tara Tate

Tyler Tate

Kim Taylor

Laura Teager

Reagan Teague

Riley Teague

John Thane

Julie Theilken

John Thomas

Renee Thomas

Hu Ton

Huy Natan Ton

Natan Ton-that

Scott Tucker

Maria Upperman
Kate Van de Berghe

Francene Venesky

Paul Venter

Alison Viktorin
Catherine Vollmer

Barbara Walker

Dale Wall

Hon. Andy Wambsganss

Leigh Wambsganss

Brooke Warren

James Welsh
Beth White

Angie Whitney

Bobby Whitney

Ty Wilcox

Janice Williams

Kristopher Williams

Betsy Williford

Jason Williford

Cheryl Wilson

Ryan Wilson

Travis Wilson

Jamie Wimberly
Jayne Winfrey
Jamie Wooldridge

Chris Woolf
Michelle Woolf

Ann Wooten

Lily Wong

Jennifer Wyatt

Andrew Yeager

Patricia Yeager

Ginny Young

Jon Young

Gwen Zelewski

Green Brick Wall


"Last session, I fought to end Robin Hood and added billions in funding for our schools. I proudly endorse Cam Bryan and Hannah Smith because they will invest those dollars directly on our students.​"

-Representative Giovanni Capriglione, House District 98


"Families choose to live in Southlake because of the excellent quality of our public schools. Cam Bryan and Hannah Smith will protect our Southlake values and ensure our children excel in the classroom and beyond."

-Laura Hill, Southlake Mayor


"We are blessed to have Cam running for Schoolboard. He has served hundreds of children in this district and his fiscal management and budgeting skills are greatly needed. He will be an asset to CISD. Please vote for Cam!"

- The Hon. Andy and Leigh Wambsganss  


"We are excited to support Cam Bryan for CISD School Board. For years, Cam has been diligently serving in our community. He has earned a reputation for being a man of wisdom and integrity with a dedication to our kids and schools. He is the clear choice for Place 4."

- The Hon. Tim and Christen O'Hare 


"I strongly support Cameron Bryan for Place 4 of the CISD School Board.  I know Cameron well as I have coached against him for many years.  He is a great person with vast work experience provides him with the foundation to serve our community in an efficient and effective manner.  He’s fiscally and socially responsible and will ensure the school’s budget and operations are well managed. Also, he is committed to do what’s right for all the students and ultimately for the community."

-Glenn Story


"Our family is thrilled to endorse Cam Bryan for Southlake Carroll’s school board.  He has served our community, and most importantly all of our children, tirelessly.  I can think of no one else that has the unique perspective that Cam has from working and serving such a large demographic of our children.Cam’s work ethic, always striving for excellence, and integrity are the embodiment of who Southlake is. We are excited to see all that Cam stands for transferred to his seat in the School Board, and the excellent results that will most definitely follow."

-Ashley McCurry


"Cam is a fantastic guy and role model."

-Sheila Butler


"Cam is a principled leader with a strong vision. He's focused on community and outcomes."

-Yannis Karmis


"I am proud to support Cameron Bryan for CISD School Board, place #4. I have known this family for over 15 years. From working with his wife in a past career, having his older girls babysit, and attending church together, I have gotten to know the heart of this family. I am proud of the commitment they have to this city and school district. I am fully confident that Cam will be invested in this position and what is best for the city and our kids. He is an excellent choice to represent CISD."

-Audra Snead


"I’m proud to support such a great candidate like Cam for Southlake Carroll School Board! He’s a great person and friend who will be an incredible asset to our community."

- Ali Allen


"Cam is a strong leader who is thoughtful and committed to all Dragons.  He will work well with residents, admin, and educators to ensure CISD exceeds goals and continues to protect the tradition of expecting excellence. Open, honest, transparent, and invested in our community, Cam is the best candidate for Place 4.  I strongly support him and encourage you to do the same."

-Candice Allison


“Cam Bryan is exactly the kind of servant leader that we need on the CISD School Board. His many years of dedicated service to youth athletics has earned him the respect and admiration of families all over Southlake. I’m grateful that he is willing to share his time and experience for the benefit of our district. Our teachers, students, parents, administrators, and larger community will all be well served with Cam as our School Board Trustee.”

-Hannah Smith


"I’ve worked alongside Cam for years in various charity endeavors. He’s a strong leader, skilled listener and problem solver and he is a man of integrity supported by his family and Dragon community. CISD will be fortunate to have him on board."

-Jolyn Potenza


"We support and endorse Cam Bryan for Place 4 of the CISD School Board. We’ve known Cam for many years now as he served on Dragon Youth Footballs Board of Directors. We have also coached against Cam for many years and he’s always been committed to serving children and being a role model for them. Cam has proven to be honest, hardworking and committed to serving Southlake. I am confident that Cam will be the best fit for Place 4 of the CISD School Board."

-Brandon McCurry


"Cam is awesome.  Very involved with the community and truly cares about the direction we are going."

-Chuck Taggart


"Our family is proud to back and fully support Cam Bryan for School Board!   He is a dad of current Dragons, committed and a man of his word which he has proven on the field for years!  His expertise, values and integrity would be a huge asset to our district!"

-Christy Stacy


"Tyler and I are thrilled to support an awesome Dragon Dad! His leadership on our school board will be such a gift!"

-Tara Tate


"Proud to endorse Cam. He is a man of great integrity and what CISD needs."

-Leo Del Calvo


"I am proud to endorse Cam. He is just what we need on the School board. He is a man of great character who has given great time to the youth of our community."

-Kathy Del Calvo


"We are honored to endorse Cam Bryan for CISD School Board.  Cam is a strong community leader who loves Southlake & will champion for the success of all Dragons.  Cam’s leadership in DYF made the experience one that the players, coaches & volunteers will remember fondly.  Cam deeply cares about our community & his vision will continue to propel CISD forward in our tradition of excellence."

-Chris & Bonnie Pendergrass


"Cam is a great communicator and hard worker who cares our community and will serve and represent us all well on the school board."

-Jenny Story


"With nearly two decades of residence and service to the Southlake community, Cam understands why Carroll ISD is a sought after system, and what it will take to ensure that continues to be the case for decades to come. After meeting for a discussion over coffee, I am proud to endorse Cam for CISD Trustee Place 4."

-Ryan Wilson


"Being a part of DYF, Cam has first hand experience dealing with parents and their children of all levels. He is beyond knowledgeable of our town and I have confidence in Cam's ability to be on the CISD School Board."

-Carrie  Alaniz


"​Although we have not Cam personally, his impact on our community is clear. We are behind you Cam. Thank you for serving."

-Paul Venter


"With his involvement in youth sports, Cam is well versed in what the families in this community want and need from the school district.  I look forward to seeing all that Cam can contribute to the families of Southlake once elected to the School Board."

-Kristin Garcia


"It’s my privilege to endorse Cameron "Cam" Bryan for CISD School Board, Place 4.  Cam has called Southlake home for over 17 years.  A proud father of 2 current Dragons and stepfather of 2 Dragon graduates, Cam is intimately familiar with CISD and our traditions of excellence.  Importantly, he has a vested interest in keeping Carroll the premier district in the state of Texas.  In addition to giving his time for his own children, he has spent countless hours working on behalf of many of your children, as well. "

-Adam Butcher


"Cam is a passionate leader who truly cares about our kids. I believe he will be a valuable addition to the school board."

-Austin Hilton


"We are so excited that Cam is running! He will be a wonderful leader. I have known Cam and his family for 6 years and he will make our school district stronger."

-Michelle Hilton


"We are so happy to endorse Cam Bryan for CISD School Board Place 4. His leadership, fiscal responsibility outlook, and desire to make CISD the the best school district for ALL students is a must. Cam has the skills that are needed to lead us forward as a District and a community."

-Robert and Lisa Sammons 


"We have lived in Southlake since 2005 and we have been Dragon parents since 2007.  Our oldest of 4 graduated in 2020 and our youngest will graduate in 2030.  Thus, we have an absolute interest in those who seek to represent us at the CISD school board level.  Both as Dragon parents and taxpayers, we are delighted to endorse Cam Bryan for School Board Trustee, Place 4.  One thing that stands out about Cam is that he is a parent with current Dragon students.  Thus, he will have a vested interest in all CISD matters.  His longtime service to the Dragon community, his leadership talent, and his communication skills are all testimony to the fact that he will be an incredible CISD School Board Trustee.  Vote for Cam!"

-Dana and Joe Krasinski


"​I endorse Cameron Bryan for election to CISD School Board!  We need to elect leaders that share a sound vision for the future of the district.  People that will put the needs of the students first!"

-Julie Theikken


"I am very impressed with Cam's commitment to helping the kiddos through serving on the school board. His skills and attention to detail ensure that he will be great for CISD school board."

-Ann Wooten


"When Cam announced that he was running for CISD School Board, my immediate thought was He‘s perfect!  Cam is fair, reasonable, and dedicated to making sure our children get a first class education.  I’ve not only witnessed his leadership but I’ve also seen him listen and learn when others lead.  Both of these qualities are what make him a great fit for the CISD School Board."

-Leigh Jackson


"I've known Cam for many years and always admired his dedication to the child athletes of SLC and his hard work coordinating DYF.  He is exactly the kind of no non-sense person we need.”

-Brandon Kelley


"Incredible leader! A difference maker!"

-Keith Gray


"Proud to endorse a true conservative with a kids first mindset."

-Craig Rothmeier


"We fully support Cam. He was my sons football coach for 3 years. He’s one of the best coaches we’ve ever had. Great leader, kind and compassionate, all around a super human! We support Cam 100%!"

-Kristen Grenier


"Cam was my Son's football coach for the last 3 years and I couldn't be happier with how he ran the program. His professionalism and character is exactly what CISD needs on our board."

-David Grenier


"Cam is the right guy to represent my family."

-Scott Tucker


"I am honored to support Cam Bryan for School Board. His leadership and love for serving the community is just what CISD needs."

-Jenerra Del Calvo


"I can attest to your management skills as well as your character and dedication, based on well over 20 years."

-Jim Borsari


"Cam will represent our kids and schools in the most professional and kind way. This is the leadership we need at Carroll ISD."

-Ron Luber


"Cam's conservative approach, concern for the longevity of our exceptional community, and his professional experience or a gift to our kids, schools and community."

-Debbie Marsh


"I’ve known Cam a long time and everything he does is with honesty and integrity."

-Rob Smith


"We proudly endorse Cam. We believe he represents the heartbeat of Southlake and will work hard to keep the long standing traditions and reputations of our award winning schools.  We believe his heart is for all the children and their families and will work to make sure they receive the highest level of education while also developing kind hearts and children with compassion, perseverance, strong character, integrity and all the qualities that make up true leaders. Our town needs Cam Bryan on our school board."

-Kim Bullock


"Cam has the passion, experience and leadership to be an outstanding Board Member. He will be open and honest and make decisions that are truly best for the students and families of Southlake."

-Taylor Foreman   |    817-470-8914    |     PO Box 92464, Southlake, TX 76092

Pol. Adv. Paid for by Cameron Bryan for CISD School Board Campaign. Amanda Bryan, Campaign Treasurer. P.O. Box 92464, Southlake, TX 76092.

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